The basketball gods are playing a cruel trick on Michael Jordan. They are punishing him as an owner for all the success he experienced as a player. The six championships, the MVP trophies, the slam dunk titles, the Dream Team, his status as the most recognizable athlete on the planet, and the best basketball player of all time come with a price. The latest installment is the Anthony Davis fiasco.
After suffering through the worst season in the history of the NBA the Charlotte Bobcats had a 1 in 4 chance of landing the top pick in the draft. The class of 2012 has some depth, but only one true game changer. Anthony Davis can take a franchise from a sub par group of misfits into a perennial playoff team. The other players in the draft might get you ten more wins.
As the draft lottery unfolded the basketball gods decided to torture Jordan by giving the 3rd pick to the Washington Wizards. With a 50/50 chance of landing "The Savior" Michale had to feel good about himself. Instead the gods sent Davis to Katrinaland and left Jordan with the number two pick.
If history is any indication of what is to come Michael Jordan will find a way to screw this up. His previous lottery selections include Kwame Brown, Adam Morrison, and Kemba Walker. Michael Kidd-Gilchrist is considered by most experts to be the logical choice, but the 6'7 small forward is not guaranteed to have a significant impact on the Bobcats. It would not surprise me if the skills he displayed at Kentucky didn't translate at the next level.
Right now Michael Jordan is like Clark Kent when he gave up his super powers for Lois Lane. He is helpless to defend himself from the onslaught from outside forces. He's getting his ass kicked in the real world and he doesn't know how to respond. One pick could have changed his fortunes, but the basketball gods wouldn't allow it. Sorry Mike. The universe is regaining its balance.